Thursday, August 18, 2011

This little mouse of a man (William Solis) is more concerned about his job, than protecting our troops.

                          My reply to the OIG will be this Monday.
GAO’s audit unexpectedly changed course one year from the date of Rep. Hoyer’s letter of February 08. Why did the audit change course one year later and then take four more months to complete with a release date and internet posting in June 09? Because GAO could not and did not answer Hoyer’s question regarding the listing and de-listing of National Stock Numbers (NSN’s) during 1993-1995. This was a very straight forward and easy to understand request that pertains to thousands of products with NSN’s. GAO claims the responsible folks (that would know about the issuance of NSN’s) at the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) are no longer there, so the precise information (what was the criteria for NSN award) is not available except for some second hand accounts -- 15 years after the fact -- by our enemies -- resulting in the maintenance of the status quo – which ensures nothing changes.

Congress was designed for the maintenance of the status quo -- to prevent radical change.  This is the same scenario with most federal agencies – because status quo rules and there is no reward for thinking outside the box -- which is the closest thing to communism in America there is. This must be the reason why GAO is protecting criminals in their ranks by (1), because they can and (2) who can challenge them except for congress.  USG agencies will fight tooth and nail to stay out of court because the 12 jurors use common sense, which the government does not. This is why it’s so difficult to sue the USG.
To suggest (as the OIG did yesterday) that there is no basis for my complaint when I have provided a mountain of materials (over one-thousand documents) that GAO dismisses as not being relevant to their audit. What does it mean when federal employees ignore or discount truthful evidence? It means, the truth hurts is why GAO tried to kill the messenger (me), versus issuing a truthful report and then avoiding my questions. When I pressed GAO for an answer after the audits release, William Solis reported me to the federal protective service (police) because he felt threatened by my email asking for an accounting. This little mouse of a man (William Solis) is more concerned about his job, than protecting our troops. That is called aiding and abetting the enemy, or a traitor