Thursday, March 10, 2011


Why would the GAO dismiss thousands of warfighters emails all claiming the same thing about the problems with the Army's CLP all in one lubricant with a 150 degree flash point? Once you read the emails from the front lines, you will discover GAO sold out our troops. There needs to be an investigation as to why tens of thousands of warfighters emails are not material and why GAO left out USG reports that would contradicted their own report. Why is William Solis afraid of being help to account? 
Sent: Thursday, November 05, 2009 2:29 PM
Subject: GAO’s June 25, 2009 report excerpt: “Army officials told us that they are unaware of any indications that weapons have jammed…”

11828 Pika Drive, Waldorf, Maryland 20602 USA
Phone (301) 893-3910   Fax: (301) 893-8354

Mr. William M. Solis                                                                              November 5, 2009
Defense Capabilities and Management
U.S. Government Accountability Office
441 G Street N.W.
Washington, DC 20548 

Subject:  GAO’s June 25, 2009 report excerpt: “Army officials told us that they are unaware of any indications that weapons have jammed…”              
Dear Mr. Solis:

We first met with GAO on August 7, 2008 for a two hour meeting. The first statement I made was, “The reason we are here today is because MilSpec CLP weapons lubricant does not work properly…”  Allen Westheimer admits he heard me say this, however, he stated that he heard my statement at the end of the meeting. I also started off our 2nd meeting on May 28, 2009 with the same statement that the reason we are here is because, “MilSpec CLP does not work properly…”

GAO wrote in their report on MILITEC-1 “Page 11, 2nd paragraph “Army officials told us that they are unaware of any indications that weapons have jammed as a result of Servicemembers using the approved lubricant product”  The CNA study that GAO dismissed contained evidence that 19% of soldiers  experienced weapon stoppages.  This statement made by GAO is going to be the gift to Militec that keeps on giving in my fight to expose government corruption.  This is why I said to Allen Westheimer on May
28, 2009, and in subsequent documentation, “You swallowed the army’s position hook, line and sinker.” Mr. Westheimer replied, “Only when they are correct.”  This verbal statement made by Mr. Westheimer (in your presence) was a month before the report was released and rebuttal documents were considered!

GAO also failed to understand why thousands of warfighters emails are being sent to Militec, Inc. on government computers operating out of forward operating bases.  These emails are very specific and sent by credible military personnel.  GAO wrote on page 14, 2nd paragraph, “these testimonials are not relevant…”  Rep. Hoyer would not have asked GAO to investigate this matter if the volume of emails were not relevant.

GAO should consider as evidence:  (1) Thousands of specific military emails.  (2) After Action reports favoring MILITEC-1.  (3) Army paid and sponsored reports (favoring MILITEC-1).  (4) Credible military field testing of MILITEC-1 working better than CLP.  (5) The Secret Service’s mandated use of MILITEC-1 since 1992 (the world’s finest security force).  However, GAO relies on military lab reports

and comments from DOD officials for the majority of their information. However, GAO does not rely on this same level of DOD official status (to cover their six) when it pertains to body armor testing anomalies. I went into detail on this subject of a double standard being unfairly applied to Militec when external experts are required by GAO in my letter to you on November 2, 2009.

Pasted below, are the first two emails Militec sent GAO. Since GAO was unable to validate the efficacy of the MilSpec, it easily could have validated the credibly of a CSM or Army Captain for information on whether or not jammed weapons occur in the military with the use of the approved CLP lubricant or not. GAO also disregarded its own warfighter feedback requests made by Oscar W. Mardis, as cited in my July 9, 2009 rebuttal to the GAO report dated June 25, 2009.

(1) -----Original Message-----

 From: Jeffrey XXXX []
 Sent: Sunday, August 17, 2008 12:57 PM
 Subject: Help!
Dear Sir,

 I am on a small Combat Outpost near the Iran / Iraq border.  Our M2's, 240 B's, M9's, and M 4's have all had problems due to our use of CLP and sand.  Can you ship samples of you oil and grease for use with our weapons? A small amount is all we need.
Our address is:

 CPT JM xxxx
 BTT xxx
 COP Shocker
 APO, AE  xxxx
Thank you,
 JEFFREY M. xxxx

(2)----- Original Message -----

Sent: Sunday, September 07, 2008 10:34 AM
Subject: MILTEC-1 request

I am a Command Sergeant Major of an Infantry Battalion getting ready to deploy.  We are currently conducting our training and my soldiers are having difficulties with the weapons jamming at the ranges.

I have used your MILTEC-1 product during my last deployment with no issues.  I am contacting you to see if you could send us some free samples of MILTEC-1.  I want my soldiers to use your product so they can successfully qualify at the ranges and gain confidence in their weapon systems.

Below is my current address:

HHC 56 SBCT - CQ Bldg # XXXX
HHC 1-111th IN BN
Camp Shelby, MS XXXXX

Command Sergeant Major
1-111th Infantry BN (Stryker)
(Cell) 610-XXX
(Military Cell) 609-XXXX
(Office) 610-XXXXX

Mr. Solis, my small company has given away millions of dollars worth of MILITEC-1 since 9-11. I provide the product free of charge based on emails we receive from warfighters that are concerned about their weapons reliability.  For GAO to disregard thousands of warfighters emails, letters and  other communications, which is the basis of Rep Hoyer’s specific request on February 5, 2008  is careless,  irresponsible and proves a bias. 

I am looking forward to hearing back from you in order to reach clarity on why GAO is suppressing and discounting official USG documentation.

Brad P. Giordani

CC:  Email Only:

Allen Westheimer, GAO                                 
Karen D. Thornton, GAO
Russ Logan, Militec, Inc
Oscar W. Mardis, GAO
Colin L. Chambers, GAO
Marilyn K. Wasleski, Assistant Director DDCM, GAO
Steve Ham, Rep Hoyer’s Staff
Jesse Tolleson, HASC Staff
Richard Feeney, Militec, Inc
Jim Wood, Rep Hoyer’s Staff
Lee Kind, Former Soldier and concerned citizen